Fümms bö wö tää zää Uu, Jaap Blonk performs Kurt Schwitters’ “Ursonate”

Blanche Neige Lucie

Blanche Neige Lucie, Pierre Huyghe

An Apology by Einstein the Talking Texan Parrot

노란 비명, 김범 (2012)

The great Oz has spoken! Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

Las vacances de Monsieur Hulot, Jacques Tati

I’ve been to the mountaintop, Martin Luther King’s last speech

La Antena, Esteban Sapir

Guerra y Pa, Juan Manuel Echavarría

teaching a plant the alphabet_john baldessari

Teaching a plant the alphabet, John Baldessari

A Story from Lacan’s Practice

Glottis, Valie Export

Not I, Samuel Beckett