Posts By: admin
Blanche Neige Lucie, Pierre Huyghe
Theo Van Doesburg’s sound poetry : Letterklankbeelden, published in De Stijl (1921)
Valie Export
Valie Export
Marianna Maruyama
Marianna Maruyama
Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock (1960)
An Apology by Einstein the Talking Texan Parrot
E la nave va, Federico Fellini
E la nave va
I am with you in rockland, Karl Holmqvist
For More than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy of Vocal Expression, Adriana Cavarero
Resonant Bodies, Voices, Memories, Johanna Biľak
Come out to show them, Steve Reich
Come out to show them,come out to show them,come out to show them,come out to show them,come out to show them,come out to show them,come out to show them,come out to show them,come out to show them
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