Fümms bö wö tää zää Uu, Jaap Blonk performs Kurt Schwitters’ “Ursonate”

Blanche Neige Lucie

Blanche Neige Lucie, Pierre Huyghe

Theo Van Doesburg’s sound poetry : Letterklankbeelden, published in De Stijl (1921)

Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock (1960)

An Apology by Einstein the Talking Texan Parrot

I Am With You In Rockland, Karl Holmqvist

I am with you in rockland, Karl Holmqvist


For More than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy of Vocal Expression, Adriana Cavarero

Resonant, Bodies, Voices, Memories

Resonant Bodies, Voices, Memories, Johanna Biľak


The Voice in the Cinema, Michel Chion

노란 비명, 김범 (2012)